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Sprouting Seed & Grains

Sprouted Seed & Grains


                     Feeding Sprouted Seed

As your birds approach their breeding season, the value of sprouted seeds in their diet should not be under-estimated.  The Vitamins, Minerals and Amino acids available within a seed are stored for the seed’s own use to reproduce itself.  Once it has begun that process, that store of nutrient/proteases are released into the sprout (an increase, often said to be up to 300% over dry seed).  It is also now in a form which is much more readily available to your bird, both in nutrients & the ease of digestion. 


Our method for Sprouting Seed

  1. Rinse a suitable amount of good quality mixed seeds in plain water to remove dust. We use 1 part Parrot mix to 1 part Finch mix, but this is dependent of species in your  flock.   The amount will depend on the size of your flock. An expanded mix would include Quinoa, Black Mustard Seed, Teff, Black(Urid) & Green Mung Beans, Chick Peas, Pumpkins Seeds, Adzoti Beans, Lentils & Fenegreek. 
    Approximately 2 tablespoons of dry seed will double in volume after sprouting and this would be about the quantity required per pair of medium sized birds (such as quakers or cockatiels) as a daily supplement to their base diet.

  2. Prepare a weak Virkon S solution (up to 2 grams to 1 Litre of water) or Sanichick in a small bucket, tub or other container.

  3. Soak the rinsed seeds in this solution for around 6 hours.

  4. Tip the seeds and solution through a fine large sieve into another bucket and allow the seeds to drain well.This allows you to retain the solution in the 2nd bucket for re-use, as the Virkon S will remain active for several days.

  5. Once well-drained, spread the seeds out in a flat container and cover lightly with a cloth. Some friends use easily available 'Sprouting Containers'

  6. Leave to rest overnight.

  7. You can start processing your 2nd batch of seeds using steps 1 and 3 at any time you wish.

  8. Each day, rinse each batch of seeds again (no longer than 3 mins or you will 'drown' the seed) in the Virkon S solution.  Rinse every 12 - 24 hours, or often enough to keep just moist but not wet.  Drain well and spread out again.  

  9. The Virkon S  or Sanichick should reduce any fungus or mold spores from forming. 
    NEVER feed mouldy or fungused sprouts. It may cause Candida albicans attack or similar.

  10. Feed any time after the sprout cracks (chits) through the seed shell .  For maximum benefit, use within 3 days of the sprout appearing, before they reach 15mm long & definitely before leaves appear

We keep a 4 day rotation going during the breeding season, with a new tray started daily.  The tray being fed out is lightly sprinkled, on alternate days, with an additional supplement such as Spirella powder, BVM or Yeast plus Bee Pollen,                     or 2ml of Garlic, Oregano, Breeder Plus or Hemp Seed Oil

Sunflower,Millets, Quinoa, Mung Beans
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